Terms & Conditions

Please take the time to read through this information carefully. Please note that by making a booking an appointment with Paula Chapman Massage Therapy you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Notice. You also agree to attend the appointment you have booked.

What to expect from me

You can make a booking by contacting me on 07909 814816 or email paulachapmanmassage@gmail.com.

  • Full payment for the treatment/session fee is due at the time of booking, bank details will be sent to you for payment.
  • If it is your first time booking I will arrange an online consultation meeting, these sessions normally last 20-30 mins. I will go through a confidential consultation form with you which will cover your medical history, details of your reason for treatment, informed consent to attend the session and any other relevant information. It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions.
  • On the day of the treatment I ask that you arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled treatment time.
  • I will ensure that your session is performed in complete confidentiality. I will work with you using the information you have provided to me both online and during the session to create a bespoke self massage protocol tailored to your specific needs.

Please note that your requirements may well change as you progress through treatment I will make recommendations for future sessions based on your specific needs.

What I expect from you

By making a booking you agree to provide complete, correct and true information.

  • As the person making the booking, you are responsible for the following;
  • Full payment of the treatment fee
  • Ensuring all relevant forms and paperwork are completed and returned to me at least 24 hours prior to your appointment Arriving ON TIME for your session.
  • Late arrivals will result in time lost from your session which will be charged in full.
  • Failing to attend will be charged in full. Symptoms of COVID-19 are the exception to this.


The price of each session varies according to the type and duration of the therapy session you book Full therapy menu and prices are detailed on the website. Indemnity I am not a healthcare provider nor do I provide medical advice or medical treatment. References on the Website and elsewhere to “Treatment” and “Therapy” or any similar terms do not refer to medical treatment or medical therapy. The information presented on www.paulachapmanmassage.co.uk is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of professional medical care. Should you have a medical issue you should always consult with a qualified medical professional.

Cancellation policy

I understand that sometimes things change and appointments have to be rearranged. I politely ask all clients to give 24 hours notice of cancellation on the day before their treatment appointment. Failure to do so will incur the full appointment fee. This will be waived for symptoms of COVID-19. Time lost due to late cancellations could have been filled with clients who were waiting for appointments. By not giving enough notice of a cancellation makes it difficult for other clients to take up the freed slot. I trust you understand that this policy is not meant as a ‘punishment’ but hopefully it will help to remind you to call me in good time if you need to rearrange. Thank you for your continued support, I really do appreciate it! Paula Chapman

Online Self-Care Sessions

I understand that the advice and information included in my sessions is not meant to replace professional medical advice. I am aware that the online session may include instruction in self-massage techniques to help me with my personal requirements. I understand that I must follow all instructions carefully and it is my responsibility to inform my therapist if anything feels uncomfortable or causes pain. Should this happen during the session I will inform my therapist immediately and follow their advice. Should I choose to attempt to perform any of the techniques shown without supervision that is at my one risk and I take full responsibility for any adverse reaction.

General Liability Release Form

1) I give my permission to continue to receive online instruction in self massage therapy.

2) I understand that therapeutic massage is not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or medications.

3) I understand that the massage therapist does not diagnose illnesses or injuries, or prescribe medications.

4) I have clearance from my physician to receive self-massage therapy.

5) I understand the risks associated with self-massage therapy include, but are not limited to: • Superficial bruising • Short-term muscle soreness • Exacerbation of undiscovered injury I, therefore, release the company and the individual massage therapist from all liability concerning any injuries that may occur during the massage session.

6) I understand the importance of informing my massage therapist of all medical conditions and medications I am taking, and to let the massage therapist know about any changes to these. I understand that there may be additional risks based on my physical condition.

7) I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my massage therapist of any discomfort I may feel during the massage session so he/she may advise accordingly.

8) I understand that I or the massage therapist may terminate the session at any time.

9) I have been given a chance to ask questions about the massage therapy session and my questions have been answered.