Jaw-Neck-Shoulders: a self-help programme

Jaw-Neck-Shoulders: a self-help programme

7th, 14th, 21st Jan & 4th, 11th Feb 2024 – 11am – 1.15pm

  • Do you suffer with jaw, neck and/or shoulder pain, headaches, migraine or eye strain?
  • Do you habitually clench or grind your teeth?
  • Are stress and anxiety a contributing factor?

In this new self-help programme consisting of 5 x 2 1/4 hr classes you will learn to:

  • Reduce tension and and pain with simple self massage techniques 
  • Increase ease and comfort and improve the quality of your sleep with breath awareness and relaxation.
  • Undo unhelpful patterns and learn new ways of being through gentle movement informed by Feldenkrais and Yoga


The classes in this programme are designed and led by Lisa McRory, Yoga Teacher and Feldenkrais Practitioner and Paula Chapman Clinical Massage Therapist. Supporting audio-visual resources will be provided for home practice.

The programme will take place on Sunday mornings, 11am to 1.15pm on the following dates;

Jan 7,  14,  21

– break 28 Jan –

Feb 4, 11

A £30 deposit will secure your spot, with the balance of £120 payable by Tuesday 2 January 2024.

All welcome.

To book or for further information, contact me 


Date: 7, 14, 21 Jan & 4, 11 Feb 2024

Time: 11am – 1.15pm

Cost: 5 x £30 = £150


Unit 4 Yoga and Natural Health Centre

Round Hill Street

Brighton, BN2 3RG   Google Maps  


Front page image from Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery by Eric Franklin