TMJ massage

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder is a common condition associated with jaw pain. The TMJ joint connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull. 

If your doctor or dentist has diagnosed you with TMJ or you believe that your symptoms might be muscular then I can help ease your pain. I will use a range of techniques to aid the release of tight muscles, improve function and reduce pain including trigger point therapy and myofasical release. 

The treatment is focused around the shoulders, neck, jaw and head. To access the masseter muscle (used for chewing) I will work inside your mouth (using surgical gloves). This can sometimes be tender but is usually very effective particularly where the jaw is tense. However, other parts of the treatment can be incredibly relaxing, especially around the head and neck.

Symptoms include;

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Chronic pain/tenderness in muscles around the ear, neck, face, upper back and shoulders
  • Earaches (without infection)
  • Ringing of the ears (tinnitus)
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding) 
  • Trismus (difficulty opening mouth normally, sometimes called lockjaw)
  • Twitching of the face or eye muscles
  • Difficulty swallowing/speaking

Common causes of TMJ include;

  • Whiplash injury to neck
  • Having one dominant chewing side
  • Having worn down dentures or ones that don’t fit properly
  • Having braces on the teeth
  • Repetitive chewing i.e. constant gum chewing
  • Stress
  • Heavy phone use – where the phone is cradled between chin and shoulder

“Just wanted to recommend Paula to anyone in looking for a massage therapist. She has helped me get to grips with my long standing chronic pain. She is very skilled, professional and allows plenty of time to find out what you need from your massage.”

Debbie C